Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mind heart

Sometimes in life you just need someone to push you and give you that nudge and wake you up. I had someone who believed in my potential more than I did. It's like I'd forgotten what I'm capable of and I never looked at a challenge like the way I should. I took a challenge to score well, nothing big! And I worked really hard. All I had in my head was my goal. You know what? In the end, when I got my scores I was so happy. It gave me a sense of pride and made me more confident of my abilities. I though of K, who was the first person who came to my mind, who I wanted to share this with. For he was the one who challenged me to do it. I admit I did not touch my target, I missed it by 5 points, but honestly it made me believe in my capabilities. It taught me to set small goals to get where I want to eventually. I always looked at my end goal and always dreamt but never did what I had to do. Once you do it, this is something you just realize even though you hear about "small steps to leads to success" everywhere.
This is just one instance, but YOU are capable of so much more than you can imagine. It's endless what you can achieve and accomplish, once you set your heart and mind on something.
It's very important for your heart and mind to be one. Life is so much more easier that way. It always feels good when you speak your heart out and not hold anything back.

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