Sunday, June 24, 2012


I have the person I love the most with me. I have a beautiful life ahead of me to get everything I want. There's a whole lot of opportunities ahead of me. I have all the choices to choose from. See the big picture and don't skip the steps. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Is it easy?

Well if things are easy why does everything need effort? Is it really that easy or don't I see it? You go through everyday making choices, seeing what you see, and sometimes you don't really what's going on. How can you expect yourself to see everything as a piece of cake?
I've realized that sticking to the choice you make and living by it is the easiest way to keep things simple and be happy. This is what makes you sure of your choice, rather than going back and thinking about the choice you've made.  There's that constant conflict that happens when you try to monitor and control your thoughts. When you know what you don't want to think about. Sometimes I see it as a human tendency about the temptation to think about things you don't want to. But then you're putting in this constant effort.

One important thing I try to do, STOP the battle with yourself, this is where all the time goes. It seems hard but when you get the hang of it, you'll slowly learn to control it. I'm still learning to do it. I hope to get there soon. 

A test

I just bye to a friend whom I knew here for close to 2 years. She made her choice to go home and come back here to study further in Virginia. Her boyfriend drove with her to Virginia to help set things up before she heads to China and he heads to Turkey. They were together for 8 months now. I'd like to see how they'd make it happen. Is it all a test? 
It's weird when you see all these people you knew are moving on, and I'm sitting here thinking what next? What will I choose? Where will I be working? Which city? The best part is everyone goes through this. The best advice I received from a friend was, no matter what it is, keep doing what you need to do and "enjoy the process". The hardest challenge for me now is trying to stay positive and focussed. I'm working hard every day. It's a skill to have. I'm trying to be patient along the process, which I've always lacked. 
I know I want to take the next step with K, and I promise myself to do everything it takes and show it. I believe in us and other things I want to make happen. At this point of time, it's a test of everything that I'm trying to do to get. There's so many things I need to set straight right now. I want to have no regrets! And there's no room for mistakes.
In the end I believe, it's just all about seeing the glass half full, believing in the things you want and time will take you there. V, be positive and happy! OOhhh relax..